
Certified meteorologist salary
Certified meteorologist salary

For example, they may provide information related to road conditions, offshore oil and gas operations, forest fire services or wind and solar energy. However, a growing number of meteorologists are employed in the private sector, providing value added and specialist meteorological products and services. The Meteorological Service of Canada, part of Environment and Climate Change Canada, has been and still is the largest employer of meteorologists in Canada. Weather broadcasters provide weather forecasts and other weather information to the public via television, radio and the Internet.Instrumentation specialists develop instruments and systems to measure and record weather variables.

certified meteorologist salary

Or they may be involved in developing mathematical simulation models for weather and climate prediction They may study large-scale phenomena, such as the transport of air pollutants or the movements of hurricanes. They may study small-scale phenomena, such as clouds, or the electrical and chemical properties of the atmosphere.

  • Research meteorologists study the dynamic, physical or chemical processes of the atmosphere and its interaction with land and ocean surfaces.
  • This helps them to anticipate the impact of climate change and consider adaptation strategies They then conduct numerical simulations of climate conditions to understand and predict global changes and long-term or seasonal weather patterns for specific regions.
  • Climatologists study weather records gathered over long periods of time.
  • Applied meteorologists produce and communicate analyses, forecasts, warnings and advice to the public and/or tailored to the requirements of a business, a governmental organization, or an industry (for example, transportation, energy, agriculture, forestry, recreation).
  • Meteorologists may work as applied meteorologists, climatologists, research meteorologists, instrumentation specialists or weather broadcasters.
  • Support management activities through business planning, policy development and performance measurement.
  • certified meteorologist salary

    Plan and carry out investigations, develop and test numerical models, and prepare reports.Apply meteorological knowledge to problems in agriculture, forestry, air pollution, water management, energy, hydrometeorology (water in the atmosphere), transportation, national defense or the Arctic environment.Consult on the weather and climate, air quality, sea and lake ice, or hydrology (for more information, see the Hydrologist occupational profile).Interest in consulting to provide advice to outside agencies, professionals and researchers regarding the use and interpretation of climatological information in providing consulting services for industries such as aviation, marine, agriculture and tourism, and to the general public and to work with the social science, engineering and economic communities to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for the impacts from industrial and human activity Interest in precision working with equipment and instruments to analyze the impact of industrial projects and human activity on the climate and quality of the air DIRECTIVE Interest in co-ordinating research on atmospheric phenomena, weather and climate and in conducting research into the atmospheric dispersion and physical and chemical transformation of pollutants may engage in the design and development of new equipment and procedures for meteorological data collection, remote sensing and related applications OBJECTIVE Interest Codes for This NOC Group INNOVATIVE

    Certified meteorologist salary